CHRG Network

Manage and grow your EV Charging Network

Our software solution helps you manage your charger fleet at ease


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Charge on the road, and control your home charge point

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Get your charge points installed, manage them and your fleet charging all in one platform

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Whitelabel Partners

Partner up with us and our software to install, operate and sell more charge points

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We've got you covered at every step


CHRG Network is a state-of-the-art solution for everyone who wants to cut electricity bills and go green while having a hassle-free experience.


Equipped with the latest industry innovations CHRG Network is also compatible with solar and other alternative energy sources, making it a great future investment before clean energy is the new normal.


Not only is it cheaper than charging at an expensive public charge point, but CHRG Network will also flexibly adapt to a shifting tariff providing a cost-effective solution when the electricity is cheapest.


The CHRG Network team is focused on the success of your business. We not only follow all innovative solutions but also listen to customer needs and look for common solutions that would facilitate your daily tasks.