CHRG Network

Dynamic load management

CHRG Network created proprietary solution which helps solve the problem of limited access to power of electrical grids and buildings. Our Dynamic load management system will identify power availability live and it will redistribute this power for EV charging based on demand.
This will simplify installation, save cost, achieve efficiency which in turn will lead to greater earnings from EV charging.

Level 1

Charging cluster

Install more chargers even with limited dedicated power on site. Available load will be distributed within a group of chargers in real time.

Level 2


CHRG Network cloud solution maximizes charger uptime, prevent outages and increases utilisation of available power. System can monitor real-time electricity consumption other building electrical systems as AC/Lighting etc and will automatically adjust charging loads on EV chargers accordingly.

Level 3

Power Grid

Our system can be adjusted to any balancing needs. We can set it up to balance it locally f.e. depending on particular machinery, equipment working in parallel, or overall power consumption. Whatever your balancing needs, will find a solution

CHRG Network multi-level
management system based on cloud

Real-time Load distribution and consumption
monitoring for a fleet of chargers

Need more info about balancing?